Although nutritionists have a good feel for where many of the ingredients fit into a healthy dairy ration, USDA’s Mary Beth Hall said we still have much to learn when it comes to sugar in rations
Resilient. The word accurately describes dairy producers across the country as they contend with the never-ending fluctuations of milk prices and weather challenges
Even though many of our farms have been in our communities for generations, that doesn’t mean we can have a “we were here first” attitude. Quite to the contrary, neighbor relations should...
“The feeding strategy will vary depending on producer goals, so a whole system approach is important,” shared Marcia Endres during a recent presentation at the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference
We graze our Guernsey herd for as many months out of the year as the Oregon weather allows. In a normal year this season lasts from the beginning of April through October
When it comes to making purchasing decisions, consumers can be difficult to gauge, and traditionally, they vote with their wallets. That makes labels a vital piece of the purchasing decision
Pinching pennies may be old hat to some, but for others changing the way we think can uncover some untapped income opportunities. Mike Hutjens presented “On-farm feed diagnostics”
The transition cow has been a topic of intense research and farm-level focus for nearly 25 years. For much of this time, we have had a largely disease-centric approach to both research and evaluation
The U.S. is finding itself in the middle of an early and large spring milk flush. The last two years have seen the Northeast and the Upper Midwest grow production to the point that existing plant capacity...
Social media has almost become a bit of a necessary evil these days. We use it to keep in touch with friends and family, to ask advice, to buy and sell things, and to entertain each other and share
If there is ever a time that cows experience more stress, it’s during the transition period. That’s the time just before, during, and after a cow has a calf
I place this class of Brown Swiss cows D-B-C-A. For me, D is the most structurally correct. She has the best fore udder and most correct teat placement. She also shows more balance of rear quar